Alex Reedman is a 19 year old who goes on a small trip with her dad and stepmom, after getting annoyed with her family she decides to go for a walk. She notices two familiar faces and her life completely changes.
Amelia Demothi and her best friend Aaralynn Speaks Walking won tickets to a Twenty One Pilots concert and theyre estatic. Amelia has loved Tyler's voice since the day she heard it. She doesn't know what he looks like, since she has been blind since she was 8 years old after a house fire that killed her baby brother and mother.
While there Aaralynn goes to the bathroom and left her best friend to fend for herself for 15 minutes where Amelia ends up running into someone on her way to the bathroom. This person helps her up and apologises for knocking her over.
She knows this voice. This voice saved her life when she wanted to attempt four years previously. What could happen after this happenchance meeting? Could her alltime hero become something more? Or will she be just seen as yet another fan?
@Emily8196 wanted a Twenty One Pilots fic, so here ya go chicka. Hope you all enjoy! Kisses!