You admired Nami from afar for years now, but thanks to some "friends" You have an opportunity to become closer to her.
Songs used:
Hotline bling by Drake
Sweeter man by Drake
Shut it down by Drake
Girl with the tattoo by Miguel
"She didn't want to disappoint anyone who would eventually find out she wasn't the same, kind Hermione Granger. She was a clone that just looked like herself, not acted like it. She didn't want to hurt Ron anymore than she already had."
Hermione Granger likes girls. Whether she's willing to admit it to herself or not, it's the truth that's been concealed for years. She has every intention of keeping it that way.
Then, Ruth Prunella shows her just how much the truth can set you free...and make you tremble.
* A smutty smutty smut fic.
* 8th year hermione x fem oc