18-year-old Jaehwan and his parents stumble upon a seemingly abandoned amusement park. After his mother and father are turned into giant pigs, Jaehwan meets the mysterious Leo, who explains that the park is a resort for supernatural beings who need a break from their time spent in the earthly realm, and that he must work there to free himself and his parents. Along the way he meets Hongbin and Hyuk, two 'spirit humans', and Ravi and N, two 'spirits'.
"Once you've met someone you never really forget them. It just takes a while for your memories to return."
*PLEASE NOTICE* Characters and storyline has been changed to have been altered! (If you would like a better description of the characters and some of the story changes, please head over to my AFF (Asian Fanfiction) @starlighttrash) Thank You ^^
~This story is cross posted on AFF and AO3~
When the fates of two people, international k - pop star Jung Yong Hwa and an average middle-class college student collide, romance, scandals, and heartbreak will be unleashed. Their love unravels and VIXX becomes involved, making them question their love. Will they end up together or realize they're meant for other people?