One Last Thing to Love? (Dallas Winston x Reader)
14 частин Завершена історія Your mom and dad had passed away in a car accident, and your brother killed himself. All while you were young. You saw both happen, and they were both on rainy nights. You tend to stay in your room when it rains, cause your scared. You met Jhonny in an empyty lot one day and he introduced you to the gang. You all grew up together and became close like faimly, you were really quite and people sometimes forget you're there, besides Pony and Jhonny, and Dallas. He liked keeping you close. otherwise the rest won't notice you're there. You don't mind, you like to stay to yourself, in your own head. --- One night Pony comes home late, Darry starts another agument wich you hate. You sob in your room alone, but when you wake up, Ponyboy is gone, and so is Jhonny, the only thing Dally loved.