The Reaper war has been won. almost 3 years have gone by since the battle of Earth and the galaxy has faced years of peace and cooperation among the many species of council space under the new Galactic Systems Alliance. However, through out history, peace has never been known to last long. After disappearing for 3 years, the shadow human terrorist organization known as Cerberus has returned after miraculously recooperating their lost forces even after the loss of their Leader, the Illusive Man, to sabotage the new Terminus-Alliance Unification treaty. The hero of Earth, Commander John Shepard has been pulled back into duty of service to the Alliance to combat the new threats brewing in the Terminus Systems as a full out galactic war starts brewing. But there is more to this war than any faction could possibly realize...
until it's too late
(Mass Effect: Galaxy at war is a fanfic following the Destroy ending of Mass Effect 3 based on the decisions of my own personalized Commander Shepard) (All rights to the Mass Effect game series belong to Bioware and EA. Only the storyline and some original characters belong to me. The cover pic came from Google. I don't know the artist but thanks to them too for making the picture i used for the cover)