Once long ago, creatures named Pokemon wielded the power of "moves", but with the principle that allowed them to convert energy into moves, humans could convert their bodies into energy and capture them.
At first they lived together in peace: Pokemon helped humans, and humans helped Pokemon as if they were friends.
Then something went wrong.
Times fell hard on both species and it became clear what Pokemon really were to humans.
and when one day, for reasons unknown, pokeballs stopped working, when Pokemon could no longer use their moves, when thousands were lost in PCs and many more in pokeballs,
Pokemon became useless to them.
Many Pokemon blamed the humans, they had lost so much because of them. No longer able to control them, humans became afraid of pokemon, and though they tried
they failed.
Soon the tension and hate between pokemon and humans grew into violence. Before we knew it, we were fighting a war, but amongst the seeds of chaos stood hope, small yet bright.
She was a Gardevoir; blue like the soft petals of a Morning Glory and the gentle warmth of the sun captured in her eyes. Opening her arms to both sides, she smiled and spoke of peace and fellowship, of ending the war and joining to solve the crisis like the humans did with themselfs before.
But they wouldn't listen; drowning her words in war cries and trampling her underneath marching feet, the Gardevoir died in the battlefield, leaving behind her brother and the young girl that was once her trainer.
Distraught, grieving, and with the war raging around them, her trainer and her brother fell apart until only one thread kept them together: an event of unknown cause that, after the Garddevoir's death, allowed her trainer to take her appearance, her voice, and a way to finish what she started...
from the inside out.
Pokemon belongs to nintendo and the inspiration and universe is from Xyliax the Scarf Afictionado. Thank you for doing what you do!