Hi.I'm Kiana Moore.I'm 14 from Texas.&Yeah this where ill write all my music...I know I have aanother book..or not really a book.more like a songbook.Ha with my bestfriend Jasmine&Yeah...enjoy my music..its only the lyrics so how bout you guys&gals Go Check out; 'Avenue J's MUSIC!<3 & Jasmine's Music'.. Its other songbooks...Thanks my Lovelies!!(;
Thanks LOVE all you little Strawberries!<3xx They are my favorite fruit so yeah..my StrawBerrrrries..hah!(:It means a lot!(:
P.S-John Green is an Amazing Author Like The Fault. in Our Stars is great..&Jay Asher who wrote 13 Reasons Why is pretty awesome any teenager can connect with this book.and another Fav is The Hate List its amazing I loved it.and many more books..I'm a nerd but idc at all.hah!<3.