Five years has passed since Kuvira's assault on Republic City. There are three spirit portals in the world and the Earth Kingdom has been reborn into the Earth Republic. With a renewed constitution, the Earth Republic has order and is in peace. Avatar Korra and her wife, Asami, have worked to help the Earth Republic in any way they can. Asami and her company are thriving economically, doing business in the Nothern and Southern Water Tribes, Fire Nation, United Republic, and Earth Republic. After the Earth Republic was created, a senate was created and King Wu stepped down from his position and became a governor of one of the Earth Republic States. Even though the states in the Earth Republic are largely independent, there is still a senate that governs the entire nation. Two parties have formed within the senate: the Loyalists, who believe that the Earth Republic should stay unified under one leadership; and the Free Handers, who believe that the states of the Earth Republic are to stay independent. As the two parties become more and more into conflict with each other, Korra must doing everything she can to ease tension between the two parties while still keeping the Earth Republic in one piece.All Rights Reserved