The story revolves around a little girl called Sprite and her mysterious fear of going to school. The 4-year-old Sprite, a lovable and lively young girl who has literally everything---caring parents and a cute dog---yearns for going to school. Her parents who are much concerned for her well-being and happiness have no choice other than to send her to school in spite of her age. Sprite is delighted to have this golden opportunity. She wakes up early, dresses up, and rushes to school. However, an utterly unanticipated twist occurs quite soon. After her first week of school, she somehow miraculously develops 'school phobia' and behaves quite unlike herself. This greatly bewilders both her parents, causing them to become worried sick. Her mother is determined to save her daughter from whatever she is facing. With a vow she makes to herself, she sets out on the journey to discover the mystery of Sprite's fright. Started writing on: 28th June, 2016 Highest Rankings: #394 in Mystery / Thriller (08/07/2016) #407 in Mystery / Thriller (07/07/2016) #430 in Mystery / Thriller (07/07/2016) #467 in Mystery / Thriller (04/07/2016)