Mackenzie Greene is in a band, with his sister Ashley Greene, his friend Chelsea Crosby, and his cousin Laura-Anne Gallagher. As most celebrities, he sometimes wishes for a normal life. A life where he could date and not have so many people judging him. A life where he could go out in public and not get recognized. Like most celebrities, this band, The Golden Eagles, do meet and greats. Again, like most celebrities, they love meeting their fans. One day, Mackenzie meets one of his old friends from school, that he was close with. Her name's Liz, Elizabeth Russo-Cruz. She's not the most popular girl going, but not the worst one either. This time Mackenzie can't seem to get her out of his mind, but Liz doesn't want to date a celebrity. Will anything happen between them? Or will Mackenzie continue to fall with no one catching him?