All Meme wanted was to be a normal human being. Of course that would never happen. His parents were probably inhaling so many dank memes when they decided on his name, and now here he was with such a name. Meme decides to try to act normal and he succeeds. However, a few days into trying to be normal and Donald Trump one of the most evil memes is now trying to take over. Donald Trump and hoards of bad memes are forming an alliance to eliminate good memes. As the disappearance of memes comes to Meme's attention, he realizes it's up to him to restore order in all memes and save those in danger. Meme is sent away to be trained by Dan Howell and actual cannibal Shia LaBeouf who both teach him important things about the power of memes. The most important thing Meme must always remember: There are good memes. There are bad memes.All Rights Reserved