In a warm magical land called Sahar there is a huge problem. The evil sorceress Katir is raining chaos and despair across the land with her unbeatable power. It is believed there is only one man who may be able to defeat this powerful woman however no-one truly knows who or where he is and so there is no way to ask for their help, but they go by the name Qawi. During this time there is a small, weak, loser of a teenage boy who is constantly fantasising about assisting Qawi kill Katir and become his companion. While working in his family's tavern he comes across a mysterious figure and discovers that it his hero Qawi, who is really a woman. However this doesn't change his dream of being her sidekick. Suddenly there is an attack on the tavern and it is burned to the ground but fortunately Qawi is able to save herself and this weak boy, Hasir, who she is now stuck with. Join Qawi and Hasir as they trek through the unknown terrain of Sahar to find and defeat the evil sorceress.All Rights Reserved
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