Yet again. I'm back You'll never get rid of me. Never :3 Now to the formal part: I'd really appreciate it if you'd leave me Feedback. I'm not posting art to gain a whole lot of votes. Sure, votes are nice and all and a good way to show me that you like what I did. But it surely does not tell me what EXACTLY you liked. And what not. I want to know WHAT you did or did not like. Please, I beg you, PLEASE give me feedback. If you have the time to look at it and maybe even vote or write a little "well done" or "Wth is that? XD", can't you bring up a bit more time to tell me what I could do better and what I should keep without me having to ask for it every single chappy? Please? Thanks! :) Great! Welcomed the people? -check- Wrote a long unnecessary text? -check- Begged for Feedback? -check- Awesome! Now that you read this (if you did) I wish you much fun with this crap what others would call art :D I do NOT take any responsibility for your health. Your eyes could melt, burn or fall out and your head could explode. If you notice any other side effects, please contact me so I can add it to this risk list.All Rights Reserved