OK, so, Sera’s real parents were evil vicious people working for hunters in order to kill the world and all of humankind in the process, and of course, now she was sitting in a dirty cell with nine other people who would be happy to kill the world, and Jason was no where in sight.
Things, couldn’t be worse.
She could’ve been shot by an archer, or killed by Malcolm the doctor. Her body couldn’t killed her off because of the change conflicting her system. Ultimately, death was probably the worse option.
She needed to be positive, because she was pretty sure if she didn’t think there was a rainbow or knight in shining armor somewhere close by she would lose her mind.
Sera Skye is a girl who loves cars, when her family moves the small town of Marrsell Bay, she finds herself in possession of an old car, which becomes her latest obsession. Then 1967 Chevvy Impala is the only thing she loves, until she meets Jason Creek. He is soft and sweet, but a temper that is hard to control taunts him as well. Without warning, the two suddenly share their whole lives together. From History to their joint job of repairing cars at the local garage, and she’s enjoying his company, when he suddenly becomes a little more interested in her, she can’t explain why. She’s about to find out that he’s not only soft and sweet, but hiding the biggest secret anyone could possibly hide, and she’s about to be launched head first into a world she never thought existed.