Soarin a determined little colt who will do anything to befriend a shy filly. She has a cyan coat with a rainbow mane. Her name is Rainbow Dash. Soarin will stop at nothing to become friends with the lonesome filly! No matter how stubborn she may of May not be! Rainbow Dash is always getting picked on for her flight and talking abilities. The bullies, Dumbbell, Hoops and Score are always teasing Rainbow Dash and beating her up! Soarin hated them! Not just for hurting her, but they also bullied him for his flight abilities. Yet Soarin had to admit they had a point ? He was a horrible flyer. He couldn't even hover 3 feet above the cloud surface without getting winded. They always told him that he'd never accomplish his dream! That he'd never be a wonderbolt! But that was the least of his concerns now that he had his eye on a certain filly. He was determined to help her! Rainbow Dash was always alone. She sat in the back of the class and never spoke unless it was to lash out and yell at the teacher or other students and cause a fight. She was always alone as far as Soarin was concerned. She had no friends. But then again neither did he. But while he got along well with the other foals. He just could never get close enough to really form a good bond that friends had. However he always did well at school, and with group activities! And the other students never seemed to mind him witch suited him just fine. All except the bullies of course! This is the story how Rainbow Dash and Soarin first became friends, and how something rainbow thought she lost long ago, back when her mother died from illness, returned! In this story Rainbow Dash finds herself once again. And because of a small act of kindness Soarin becomes a Wonderbolt, and is given a little peace of wisdom to take with him. "Theirs a big difference between wanting something and really being ready for it." -Rainbow DashAll Rights Reserved