A comedy romance story.
Kyou Konoe is a senior high school student, and as well as the eldest of five siblings. He is fund of making short films and documentaries for the Movie Club, as well as for being a start player in their school's soccer team. He then meets Hara a junior transfer student who is a shy, nature loving girl, eventually reveals to be an addicted anime fan, or better known as an OTAKU.
The only problem is that Hara is forbidden to show any signs that she is an Otaku, and the very reason why she transferred to Tokyo. She has to focus on her training in kendo which is led by her grandfather, and has a hard time coping with her personality. This motivated Kyou to help her in her kendo training as well and still keeping her otaku side, and at the same time making his documentary about Hara's hypocrite life being a Closet Otaku.