"Chacidity is different from most girls from the hood. She ain't as naive and she is school smart. Chacidity meets up with True a well known DrugKing that most people envy. True changes Chacidity whole life. Chacidity doesn't believe in love till she met true and she was introduced to HoodLove!" We are back for a sequel of HoodLove, Now we all remember Chacidity and everything that she's been through from first meeting True. She lost her grandmother and without any questions answers was sent to a foster home where she was nearly raped. Chace then found a way to escape, she went back to a place that she only knew was home. Back to her Grandmothers how! While on the way she ran into someone whom she thought didn't exist someone who was supposed to be dead. Her father. Blue! Blue changed chacidity life he proved to her that he could be the best father he could be but was that all for love or was it fake. Blue faked his death, putting chace on much pressure to take over the "Family business" she didn't know much about the game. Was that his way of teacher her? While make friends and building bonds the love of her life comes back to the light True! In a awkward moment she met him at the club not knowing she would ever see him again she was stuck on awe. Their love grew but once true left for jail things changed for chacidity she had a baby and got married. She thought true was never coming home. But on her birthday 6 years later she got a nice gift. On This sequel of "HoodLove"
4 parts