« it would be surprising, indeed. to be played. to fall into one of your little games. »
Amelia Lindale; a soft-hearted Slytherin whose life depends on the magical world and the school of witchcraft and wizardry of Hogwarts. A Slytherin that stands out amongst the common crowd and one of the few that carry the true meaning of what a Slytherin is supposed to be, breaking any stereotypes, wearing the silver and the dark green proudly. She has the life that any witch or wizard would like to have; good grades, popularity, an assured spot in the Quidditch team. Every single detail about her life is controlled, she has what she desired.
Until she met the Weasley twins. Two boys whose main goal in life is to make it all funnier, to enjoy the time they have to the fullest, breaking any rules, causing trouble here and there; the perfect definition of messy and funny. And who would've guessed that a Slytherin would get along with these two boys? Blood traitors, as some Slytherins called the Weasley family.
But again, Amelia is the one to break any stereotypes.
some of the characters and the story where the fanfiction is based from belongs to J.K Rowling.
some characters, however, belong to @ohthatbookthief