The Light, though the heroes don't know that it's them, have developed a ray that makes anyone who steps into it 10 years younger. Originally, it was meant to revitalise the near-middle-aged members of the Light to make them young and strong again, but then they had the idea that since the team is made up of teenagers, it would set back the heroes greatly if their sidekicks were hit by it and made infants and children.
This is set in the first season, with only the original six members.
(Robin is 13, Kid Flash and Artemis are 15, M'Gann and Superboy look 16, and Aqualad is 17)
Hogwarts au-
Dream was always worry about his grades, he's constantly told to "take a break" by his friends and professors although the never bothers to listen to them. That is until the universe itself brings a surprise- forcing him to focus on others things and people rather than school.
A reviling truth about the surprises other parents brings Dream sudden confusion and disgust, although he can't bring himself to love the child any less to the knowledge that he'd have to deal with- what he called horrid excuse of a human- due to the child's cry to be with their other parent.