"Without mistakes, there wouldn't be history." We lived in a world where two races of people live in harmony. Before, people from both races, Dark and Light, interacted with each other without the sense of insecurity. They understand one another despite the differences in their nature. Dated before everyone gained the ability to learn and speak in a way of communication, the Wall of Equilibrium has always been there with or without the acknowledgement of the two existing types of people. However, it was given its name after the day that changed history. Forever. Lights are the more human kind, that is if they are compared to Dark. They feel all emotions like anger, happiness, sadness, loneliness and love unlike Dark. Beyond their human exterior, Dark and Light has abilities that can tell them apart. Light feels what others feel yet Dark makes others feel. After finding out the powers that they wield, Dark began to misuse their gift to bully, threaten and even kill. Thus, ending the age of peace. It wasn't long before the leaders of the two races decided to get together and make a treaty. The two races were to be separated and the Wall of Equilibrium was sealed. To this day, no one from light has seen no face nor hair of a single Dark person or vice versa. That is, until a strange murder of a Dark happened where the other race was involved.