The Silver Awards is a way to reach out to the Warriors Community. We reach out by recognizing every part of the community through awards.
The Silver Awards is ran by the Century and Decade Teams, who have brought countless ideas to the Warriors community. They hope this award ceremony will bring the community together for a huge celebration!
The awards were named after one of our creators, Silver. The awards' name was chosen by Shadow when she was still present with us, but we did not change the awards' name because Shadow would not have wanted that. So instead, we have a special award in honor of Shadow.
For each category, there will be three nominees, then you guys vote, landing each book in Third, Second, and First place in each category. Prizes for each one will be announced in a later part.
As always, thank you for attending the Silver Awards and we hope you enjoy the journey!
Cover by: @-Skyfrost-