While scouting, the 2nd massacusetts comes across a two strange girls. Mik, age 22 is looking out for her harnessed friend Tara who she has been kept on a chain for three months after Mik rescued her from the skitters. Taking the two girls in, the Mason's find out that they are from the fourth mass which had been obliterated, except for Tara and Mik. While Tara may seem to struggle with the complications that come with being deharnessed, she is hiding a secret. Tara contains vital information about the espheni's whereabouts and can help the second mass immensly. But does she want to? The impulse to run back to the espheni is ever present and she wonders if she could convince Ben to go back with her. But will Ben do the opposite and convince her other wise? Will Tara reveal her secrets to the 2nd Mass?