Guess I should have seen it coming. All the signs were there. The fighting, the yelling, I listened to it for years! The deafening silence. It drove me mad. The roommates phase, that really was all we were.
Everyone always looked at us as if we were an amazing family, perfect Christians. Everyone looked up to us, they thought we were as close as a perfect family got. When really, we were all roommates living under one roof. Just zombies, making do with what we had.
But now, I sit here in my bed at midnight, lessening to the silence being broken. It is not the only thing that has broken tonight.
It was just the beginning of a chapter that no one could see coming. Marriage broken, hearts deceived, trust destroyed and secrets uncovered, when will it stop? In this epic thriller story you get to follow the life of Elizabeth brown and her fucked up story, Don't bother drinking tea well reading. You will just spit it out anyway....