Leighton Collins has been saving her money since she was 11 years old, counting pennies and dimes to place in a giant jar that sat on the edge of her desk. She had always wanted to travel the world, and to try new things. When things at home become tough, all she wants to do is leave. After starting a blog to document her trip, the amount of people commenting and reading sky rocketed. She's offered new opportunities, but she has choices to make. Stay and put her family back together, or simply send them a letter every couple months.
Oliver Kennedy is a handsome young boy, who happens to be around the same age as Leighton. He has a kind family, a mom and a dad, plus little sister Rosie. When his family plans a huge road trip, he dreads going. Traveling wasn't something he enjoyed- staying in one place was fine with him.
When the two run into each other at one of Leighton's destinations, they introduce themselves. After finding out they have a lot in common, she stays with Oliver's family for a while. The only problem: Oliver shows no interest in seeing anything new. Leighton is determined to change his mind.
Это история о том что было если в сказочном патруле был ещё один человек, а именно мальчик по имени Т/и
В город Мышкин приезжают дети по имени Варя, Маша, Снежка и Т/и. Потом они знакомятся с девочкой по имени Алёнка. И уже в Мышкине начинается их совместная история.