Follow the life of Ashley Banks, a seventeen year old girl living in Santa Monica, Los Angeles, going to an expensive school. Seen from afar, she is seen as the most popular, trendy girl in New Road’s School. She has great grades, good looks, and the social part going for her, but she was far from what everyone thought her life was.
You could say Ashley had some sort of double life. One at school and one at home. At home, she has to deal with her own bully, a bully that is unexpected, cruel, and verbally abusing, but that can also be nice, caring, loving. A bully that is demanding, pressuring, but deems its actions as a want for her success.
Surrounded by friends that love her, but people who also pressure her way too much, will she be able to not crack under the pressure?
And what if someone Ashley never thought would come back to her life, does come back, and sends her life spinning around?
Follow Ashley and her double life as she tries to deal with the beginning of her 12th year of school, pressure of being popular, leading her soccer team to victory, not giving in to her desires, following her dreams, her financial problems, and living under the roof of her own unexpected bully.