The Kingdom of Alba was the prize kingdom, and it was no doubt that everyone wanted to visit the kingdom at least once in their lives. It was constructed so that every morning when the sun rose, the animals and creatures in the forest would be hit by the warmth of the sun. The light would be directed to the forest in an ever so elegant way. Even through all the glory, Alba had dark secrets in its forest and people. People easily gave everything for money and power. The social standards often tore hunters and documentors apart. Many did not wish to marry, and some wished to live in the castle with their many children. Everything was in a delicate balance, and one attack or one magic spell could tilt the scales all the wrong way. Most of the people weren't aware of this, except for the elite. Except for the king that sat on his tall chair so he could see all. But many were kept in the dark of changes in their very own kingdom. Lilian Thorton and Sayde Todd weren't prepared for their future, the start of a new life and a chance for riches. An adventure beyond dreams. Beyond their safe castle walls. Soon, the first of many adventures would start, and the lives that would be saved would be immense.