"It's no good, Barry. Oh, man, Artemis is gonna kill me. And don't even get me started on mom and dad." "Kid, we'll..." "Just tell them, okay?" "KID!!!" Wally West, Kid Flash, disappears in a bright light trying to save the world and the future of his love, Artemis Crock, and all those he cares about. Wally finds himself traveling through the Speed Force, an energy field that grants all speedsters their power. Wally ends up in the future, but it's not what he thought it would be. Everything is in chaos. Everyone Wally knew are either gone or are fighting for what's left of what they had. Wally goes to the first place that comes to mind, Palo Alto California, the place where Wally and Artemis called home. It was there that he meets someone he had not intended to meet. A young girl by the name of Athena West, his and Artemis' daughter. He hears about how the Earth came to be this way, and it is told it all happened after Wally disappeared. Now Wally has to find a way back to fix everything that has happened, but he need to find someone first who can help get him back. The tele-empathetic, known as Raven. Wally West x Artemis Crock Disclaimer: I do not own DC Comics or any of its charactersAll Rights Reserved
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