28 parts Complete The story revolves around a mysterious lighthouse located by the sea, lost in a world of darkness. This lighthouse is not just a beacon of light but a mystical place that transcends the limits of time and space. Inside it, there is an ancient manuscript with immense power, capable of either destroying the universe or giving it new life.
The protagonist, Arjun, is a young and brave man who sets out to uncover the mysteries of the lighthouse. He encounters a world that moves in reverse, where gravity is upside down. In this strange world, he finds a glowing blue light and journeys with a small creature. During this journey, he must use spells to understand the power of a special book.
The lighthouse's mystery leads Arjun on an incredible adventure, where he enters a mysterious cave and discovers three statues of gods. With their help, Arjun must find a shining star in the galaxy, one that glows like the sun. This star points to an important gateway, and crossing it reveals the next stage of Arjun's journey.
The story is filled with mystery, excitement, and amazing places that test Arjun's courage and patience. The tale of the lighthouse's mystical power and Arjun's adventure carries deep philosophical meaning and uniqueness, taking readers on a journey to a new world.