CONTENT WARNING: Rape, violence, sexual abuse, sexual assault, suicide, self harm, drug abuse, alcohol, murder, violence against women, violence against men, depression.
Elizabeth Haynes didn't expect to find herself working at a popular LA bar at 19, just like Jasper Everest didn't plan on spiralling down on a path of self destruction at 24. Both came to LA to escape their demons back home. Both stereotypical, Elizabeth is a pastors daughter and all around good girl, and Jasper the bad boy who's been to hell and back. Nothing about their relAtionship is stereotypical. Just when they think their lives are completely ruined, fate tries to give them a nudge in the right direction.
Sophie gaat op kamers en komt terecht bij Nathan. Ze moeten samen een klein appartement delen door een fout. Nathan loopt rond met een geheim wat niemand van hem weet, behalve Niels. Wanneer Sophie optrekt met Niels doet Nathan er alles aan om ervoor te zorgen dat die twee geen relatie zullen krijgen.