Running Man is a South Korean variety show. that is originally classified as an "Urban Action Variety Show." Mostly, known that the MC's and guests compete with eachother with games,obstacles,eliminating eachother & etc on the way; to complete missions at a landmark to win the race.
As for the upcoming episode, the korean girl group "Girls Generation," boy groups 2PM,Shinee,Super Junior,CNBlue Yonghwa & former 2PM member Jay Park is going to star on the upcoming episode of the popular SBS variety program "Running Man: Idol Special." As for the upcoming episode, Girls Genertaion will promote their highly anticiapted summer comeback with their single called "PARTY," also to make things heat up 2PM,Shinee,Super Junior & CNBlue Yonghwa will have a comeback this summer and same reason to promote. Running Man members are highly excited for the episode. Since, groups like Snsd,2PM,Shinee,Super Junior,CNBlue Yonghwa & former member 2PM Jay Park was never been in the show together.
But, As the the episode go on with their missions, feelings start to blossom up by the running man members group selections? or different things that we did not know fom the start that starts to be more awkward?
Are you guys excited? cause I am... Who is not though?? obiviously...
Now, let's not wait any longer and we shall see what happens during the episode....