144 million years ago, a being known as Maj arrived to the dinosaurs. He looked upon them and was surprised by there being no humans. Maj then went to work, creating eleven belts based on the souls of each dinosaur. He then hid the belts all over the main landmass. Parasaur had been the most friendly while Brachio had the most personality. But when Lak, a being that had been chasing Maj throughout dimensions, arrived on the prehistoric Earth, he hated Earth. He despised the land, the wild life and, of course, the dinosaurs. So he found a planet in space, one that is gone from our solar system now, named Leo. He sent Leo hurtling at Earth, shattering it. In one vain attempt to save the dinosaurs, Maj put their species into their set belt. The souls made a metal egg gadget that could be slotted into the belt. Maj, not knowing where the belts were, sent the metal eggs to them. Then Maj flew to Lak. But Lak had been expecting Maj, Lak even absorbing Maj. But Maj took control over Lak's body, using it to stop the Leo meteor from hitting and destroying Earth. He succeeded, but Lak took control again and, knowing that the only way to stop Maj was to stop himself, fossilized himself in the center of Pangea.
Now, after Pangea has separated and it is 2017, Lak has reemerged and his reinforcements from his dimension have finally arrived. He plans to take Earth over and then destroy it with another planet meteor. But Maj has also returned, recruiting humans who have found the belts. Humans who will become....Kamen Rider Dinos.
Big thanks to fellow Kamen Rider and PR writer, NarbejuniorHernandez , for help with the story.