Shocked. A story of Predator and Prey.
21 parts Complete Predator and Prey, together in a relationship. An unlikely pair. But even more unlikely when the couple is biological predator and prey. But biology isn't going to put a dent in the relationship of Nick Wilde and Judy Hopps, that's for sure. But theres something besides biology in the way of their relationship. Nicholas's tame collar. An awful thing all predators were forced to wear since they're childhood. The collar would shock them, starting at their neck, then traveling throughout the rest of their body if they showed 'savage' like behavior. But of course. No predator ever did. And Nick thought of a solution. Nick is the proud owner of a amusement park; Wild Times. Which is for predators only. Being that everything else in Zootopia was also segregated, to 'Predators only' or 'No predators allowed'. At this park, Nick is able to take off the predators collars once they enter the park, using a special tool that was given to him by Judy. It is a tool that is used to take off the tame collars. And only ZPD officers that are prey are allowed to possess one. But it gives predators some relief at the park without their collars. But even with his collar off. Nicks relationship with Judy is anything but relief from the discrimination he gets for being a predator.
(No art is mine)