First things first, I started this before I saw the season with Zelena. I'm gonna need you to forget the whole Wicked Witch arc. Zip. Gone. Never existed. Forgotton? Good, carry on.
Dorothy wrapped her arms around her knees. She could feel the tingle on her skin- magic. It coursed through every tree root, pumping life into the island. The trees swayed as though they had a life of their own, dancing to the rhythm of Neverland's pulse.
She took a deep breath, laying back into the carpet of pine needles and folding her hands behind her head. Dorothy savored every breath she took. There was nothing she wanted to miss.
"We haven't found the dagger." Felix sat beside her, beads in his hair clicking together.
"I thought as much." Dorothy sat up. "There's no way we will."
"Tell that to Pan." Felix scoffed, giving her a sideways glance. He could tell Dorothy wasn't quite awake. She was lost in her head, eyes staring blankly into the trees.
"I'm sick of hiding." She said, still looking straight ahead. "It's time we face him head on, do or die."