Meet Misaki Minami, a 12 year old girl from the Country of the wave, orphaned at the age of 5 and then taken under the care of a S-ranked criminal, a woman, called Shiro Maisawa, that taught her everything she knew. Through travellng the world, seeing differnet places, fighting bandits and learning jutsus Misaki thought that she had a pretty nice life untill one day when Shiro got kiled because of her.
Misaki, desperate to follow her sensei's last wish and save herself, was wandering through the forest untill she finally reached a village called Konohagure and collapsed on the ground in front of it.
Follow her life when she joins team 7, deals with her past, goes on amazing adventures, always get's in to arguments with an Uchiha and falls in love for the first time with a certain redhead, all while learning how to become a ninja.
Yeah, so, a Naruto fanfiction ... It starts in the first season and'll probably follow the plot of the series n.n And it'll be a little different than the anime because I wrote this before I finished watching it so I didn't know some things yet. Hope you'll like it ^.^
[this isn't edited and there'll probably be some words spelled wrong, since I don't have perfect grammar]
Three years.
Three years had passed since Akari was last in the village, but she found her way home. She found her way back to her friends. The last year of her life had been just a hair short of being comparable to hell.. She was running away from the one person she swore to stand by no matter what.
Sasuke had let his pain and anger get the best of him... He had succumbed to the darkness that was inside of him. Akari always thought that she was safe from him ever turning on her, but she found out she was wrong.
Nothing would stop him on his path to vengeance.
Nothing would stop Akari's brother from bringing his friend back though.
So she begins to fight a battle within her self to fight for the one she loves, or to give up on him and turn the other direction. During this time of panic though, she finds comfort in the arms of a very familiar person..
Will Akari still be Sasuke's light at the end of a very long, dark, tunnel?
Or will she give up on her young love for good?