Pete Wentz, 37 years old, lives in St. Paul Minnesota.
Patrick Stump, 32 years old, lives in ~Unknown~
Pete is a stressed man, he broke up not to long ago, he lost his kids. He lost everything he had.
April 27th, 2016. Pete took one of his midnight walks around the city, he noticed all the stars. Each one was white like always, until he noticed something, a bright blue light coming straight towards him.
Pete runs off, running away. But what he doesn't notice is the poor boy, lost, alone, and heartbroken.
{{You guys are gonna have to read this to find put}}
Nixie sitt liv er mer eller mindre under kontroll, hun har fått seg jobb og leilighet, men hva skjer når hun faller for sin aller beste venn?
(Fortsettelse på To The Last Rose Dies, første bok må leses først!)