"You don't know ho I am, do you", she asked.
"No, not really", he replied.
"Maby that's a good thing"
"How is it a good thing? Your HUMMAN lie the r st of them! You shouldn't keep your self away from others!"
"That's the thing, I'm not human, I'm a shadow, HUMMANS fear me..."
He stood their shocked of what he was hearing befor he snapped out of his thoughts.
"Not all HUMMANS, I'm standing here arnt I?"
She stared at him with a frown.
"I lied to you, you should hate me"
"Do you want me to hate you?"
"Good because I don't hate you, in fact I love you... So what your different, not HUMMAN, people shouldn't JUGE a book bye it's cover"
He chuckled .