15 year old Alex ran away from home not wanting to be beat anymore after three years she has built her a cottage in the enchanted forest and is in robins group of merry men/women she is happy with her life until one night she goes to sleep and wakes up on a beach i stand up looking around their is a dark forest and miles upon miles of beach then one of the bushes move i get in a fighting position then a boy comes out looking about my age i sigh stand up straight and ask him whats your name? were are we? the boy looks at me for a minute then says oh did i forget to introduce myself my name is peter , peter pan and you my dear are on never land i push him into a tree take me back now but don't you want to see your dear old brother Felix come out now Felix comes out not looking a day older then the day he left me with our abusive parents sorry about this but he says knocking me out with his club the next thing i know i'm in the demons arms sweet dreams little fire is the last thing i hear please don't judge any spelling errors or anything else for that matter