Dara is a fairly simple teenage girl, she isnt even all that bright until the future she was never meant to know collides with her present. She and Noel are childhood friends. Noel, charming voice,educated,rich, excels in acedemics but most importantly a devious CROOK!
one of the best Dara swears on it, but people think young erratic Dara may have had a little too much sugar in the morning.. after all why would a fine "gentleman" like Noel be a mean guy under his ALMOST impenetrable mask and seemly perfect life?
Noel and Dara discover a shattering secret kept by both their families that will undoubtedly change their lives, his only medium of communitcating with dara ia to be the crook he is.
Of course Noel does'nt know about Dara's history which will become her present and they soon discover that their friendship with each other may be more than they could have bargained for.