On January 1st, 2014 9:18 AM Colby Brock and Skylar Rose met for the first time and had their first kiss, on January 23rd Colby finally asked Skylar out. February 2nd Colby cheated on Skylar for the first time. No matter, she took him back. On August 15th 2016 Colby proposed to Skylar, she obviously said yes. They were in a bit of rush to get married excited to finally tie the knot and be together in holy matrimony. They'd been through a lot, and no doubt about it they'd be going through more.
They were beyond rich, now don't get me wrong they didn't have much money but, they had each other and that... That's what made them truly rich. Nobody's perfect, that's something we can all agree on but, they were perfect for each other. Yet, at the same time they were polar opposites. Two teenagers in love, the only difference being now they had a ring on their finger and an extra spring in their step go through life seemingly thinking now that they've married nothing could go wrong.
That is until... She showed up.
Jocelyn Brooklyn, what they say is true y'know. You can't trust someone with two first names. She lives next door and looks like a day dream but, god is she a nightmare. It would be foolish to say that Jocelyn wasn't meant to ruin a good thing for no reason because lets be honest, we all have our reasons. Some will be more valid than others but, that'll never change the fact that we did what we did.
So come, read and watch as what was once a seemingly perfect life can crash to the ground in a matter of seconds.