In the year 2040, a new Batman has taken to the streets of Gotham City as their Dark Knight, Terry Mcginnis. Under the watchful eye of an elderly Bruce Wayne, Terry starts his own Batfamily Team: Matt Mcginnis (Batboy) Carrie Kelly (Robin), Nissa (Batgirl), and Ace the Bat-Hound to protect Gotham City from a new ring of bad guys. Everything seems to be going smoothly, except for Terry's relationship with Dana Tan which didn't last. Putting all his focus on being Batman Terry starts to see why Bruce was the way he is. That maybe keeping others out of the danger zones is for the best, but there's a new face in Gotham. A new bat has made herself know. Bruce has seen this person before, in his younger days. Batwomen is back, but who is the girl under the mask? Terry Mcginnis X OC Disclaimer: I don't own DC or any of its characterAlle Rechte vorbehalten
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