HI GUYS Jesus, it's going fast! We're on the third artbook already! All thanks for reading the two previous one, or if you lazy one of them, or if you me, you just start with this one. I'm so happy, both my previous art books are seen over 1K times!!! I love you all!!! The rules are the same of course! Just publishing shit until chapter 187, and then 4.0 comes out! What should I say about the cover? It's papyrus and MLG. And Nyan cat. With MLG. I'm gonna draw illuminati now.... Reading this artbook fills you with determination. BYE GUYS P.s. GET REKT! P.s.s. Don't be upsetti, have some spaghetti! P.s.s. Guys, this story became '#24 in humor' this year (2016)..... So tell me, WHO OF YOU VOTED ON THIS SH*T?!?!
37 parts