Her father broke her heart before anyone else could. She held on to the feeling of gaining a relationship with him, for to long and eventually gave up on who she was, gave up on trying to find herself. She didn't know who she was anymore. All she knew was that the person she saw in the mirror wasn't her. And she didn't like the reflection looking back at her. Baylee doubts herself, and blames the world for all her failures. But what she doesn't know is the same old Baylee is still there, but how long will it take her to find herself again? Will she ever be herself again, or will she let the insecurities get to her? What will happen? Can she manage? Can she really ever be herself again? Will she ever recover??? Find out in "Chasing Baylee"
If you can bare with me this is going to be some what depressing....I would appreciate no hate please.