Bible Verses
Repent and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. He is our Savior and the son of God. Repent and have salvation. Be reborn. Do it before it's too late.
Praise His Holy Name. Do not speak of our Savior who died for our sins and our Heavenly Father the Creator's Holy name in vain or as a form of a cuss word.
O Lord, please guide me. Guide me and guard me from the claws of the devil. Many are deceived by the devil. They do not know that the 'Freedom' they call out and love is a trap for their death. Jesus Christ, my Lord, my King, my Savior, protect me from the sinful world I live in. Guide me, I beg of you.
"Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief"
"Jesus Christ is the only truth, in this world of lies.
Find him today, your not promised tomorrow."
"Take more of me, give me more of You, O Lord."
Complete surrender, obedience, to the will of God and His Son, that is my all. For with obedience is faith and with faith is obedience.
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