Was born:Planet Vegeta
Status:was villian with Vegeta and turn good later
Family:did not know them since Planet Vegeta was Destroyed
Best friend:Prince Vegeta,sometimes Goku and was with Layla the Saiyan until they have a huge fight
Like's:Pizza,Video Games,Fighting,Like ti win in a fight,Like short girls with long hair,guns and katana/washing pole {a long katana in dark souls}
Dislike:When Goku and Vegeta turn into Gogeta to beat Nion in a fight once,Tag team,Gang up on him,people talking shit about him or his friend,Losing in a fight,when Goku take his Leather Jacket from him
Hobbies:Play Video games,Go training,and Eat pizza 24/7
Personality:Is like Vegeta he is always pissed-off,shy around girls sometimes,protect his friends but most Vegeta since he know him his whole life
What he look like:6'2,wear a leather jacket with blue or purple flames on his sleeves ,have a gun holder on his pants,have a washing pole on his back of his leather jacket,have a scar on his left eye,have 2 scars on his six pack/chest,have red eyes,have the same hair as Vegeta but his hair color is black and green,and have dogtags around his neck
power level: is strong to beat Vegeta and Gouk but if they turn into Gogeta than he need to turn to a Super Saiyan 4 ,A Super Saiyan god,or Nion and Layla turn into Nilay to beat Gogeta
{thx for reading my DBZ O.C if you really like him and want to add him in you story dose tell me and i well give you Nion in you story but make sure that tell them who you got Nion from thx and thx again guys from reading my story :3}
A story set in the 1950s in a rural area:
The tale revolves around a 14-year-old girl named Chavi, who is married off to the zamindar (landlord) of the village, a 22-year-old man. What will happen when she begins her new life in his home? Will she be able to find happiness?