Ímøztl'atìka was an angel which was sent to Hell for doing an unforgivable sin. After she went to Hell,she met Satan. He confessed he wanted an angel to fall down in Hell soon or later and he let her know that he's only in need of friends,and that's what happened. He helped her navigate through Hell and to comfort her that most demons are friendly. She found a demon that was named Tëotlátøli and she became both roommates and soulmates with. She could call it "Home" where she's really comforted and all. She also is a friend of the Grim Reaper. She realized from when she talked with Satan that Hell is a nice place and he's a nice person,that the Grim Reaper is actually chill and doing his job and that demons are a nice race like them. She has realized that she's been lied to the whole time she was in Heaven.(CC) Attrib. NonCommercial