All Kathrine Walker ever wished for was just a little bit of Love, but she would never get any, or so she thought. No one had ever loved her but her mother, and her mother was long gone. She had died when Katie (Ca-De not K-t)was only 10. Every age came with a problem in her world. At age one her father was murdered by a criminal, her father had also been a criminal. Or a former criminal as far as she knew. At age 2 her mother and her became homeless and lived in a shelter. At age 3 they moved in with her grandparents and soon after her grandma died of breast cancer. Are age 4 her mum started working all the time. At age 5 she started school(she has skipped pre k and went straight to kindergarten)At age 6 her first best friend dumped her. She never made anymore friends after that. At age 7 she became her mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. At age 8 she became a nobody. At age 9 she started getting teased. At age 10 her mother died. She still lives with her grandpa. At age 11 the bullying began. At age 12 she caught depression. At age 13 she became the school nerd. This was the year she started cutting as self harm. Ate age 14 she started high school and became mute only at school. At age 15 her grandpa died and she moved in with her annoying aunt. Her aunts husband abuses her. This was also the year she found 5 Seconds of Summer and the year she stopped her self harm. At age 16 she got anorexia. Now she is 17. 5sos had a contest a few months ago trying to find a good singer to go on tour and open for them for a year. She entered and sent them her cover of I miss you but by Blink 182 to them. What happens when they call her back 3 months later saying she won.All Rights Reserved