HarryPotter One-Shots by Hidden. MainCharacters(Alphabetical): •Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore •Draco Malfoy •Ginny Weasley •Hagrid Rubeus •Harry Potter •Hermione Granger •James Potter "Prongs" •Luna Lovegood •Minerva McGonagall •Neville Longbottom •Peter Pettigrew "Wormtail" •Remus Lupin "Moony" •Ronald Weasley •Severus Snape •Sirius Black "Padfoot" •The Weasley Twins •Voldemort/Tom Riddle Also: •Any other HarryPotter character. What you will need to include in the pm(private message/inbox): •Main Character(s), You can also give me your name/or someone who isn't in HarryPotter's Series. •Storyline. •If you give me your own character, then please describe to me(in few words) what he/she is like. Personality, looks, etc. •Any other information you deem necessary. I will reply and tell you when I will get to writing your story. #1, #2, #3 etc. Thank you for your time, now go get reading! -HiddenAll Rights Reserved