37 parts Ongoing MatureIn the heart of a world where dreams and reality collide, Neverland follows the lives of five young boys, each burdened by the weight of their struggles and the complexities of their lives. Yeonjun, Soobin, Beomgyu, Taehyun, and Heuningkai form an unbreakable bond, finding solace in each other amidst the harsh realities of family expectations, loneliness, and societal pressures. Together, they create their own sanctuary-a place where they can be free, even if only for a night.
As they embark on a journey that takes them from cherished memories to heart-wrenching decisions, the boys dream of an escape to Neverland, a place where they can be together forever, free from the pain that haunts them. But in their quest to find peace, they face the ultimate test of friendship, love, and sacrifice.
Neverland is a story of youth, loss, and the enduring power of connection, leading to a fateful night that will change their lives forever. In a world where farewells are painful and the future is uncertain, they make a promise-to find each other again, no matter what. But as they step into the unknown, they are unaware that their journey is far from over, and that the bonds they forged will be tested in ways they could never have imagined.