~+=+~WARNING!! MATURE CONTENT!!~+=+~ Elise Nicole Westman learned how to use a gun at the age of six. By the time she was 17, she could shoot a target with her eyes closed. Her family had always lived in the shadows, in the middle of nowhere. According to the government Elise never existed. She was living on her own since her parents disappearance when she was twelve. She lived off the food a friend brought her, a secret friend. They met one day when Elise's parents were having a fight and told her to go outside. while outside she got distracted and started chasing a bunny. She ventured to far away and found boy and his father fishing at a lake. Both helped Elise get home, and the boy always visited. She was worried however because she hadn't seen him in over a year. The most he had gone without visiting was 11 months; just under a year. One morning after arriving home she saw a group of people in the abandoned looking place she called home. She slowly pulled out the gun she always carried, but she wasn't careful and stepped on a stick, alerting everyone in her backyard. Her music was blaring and the people could faintly hear it. One spoke, he had brown hair and was quite handsome. "Boss, do you think the culprit is out there?" he asked an elderly looking man. "Dunno Dinozzo, why don't you go check it out?" the elderly man said. 'Dinozzo' pulled out his gun and looked right at Elise; although he didn't know it. He saw Elise's shadow and put his gun up. A woman with brown hair walked up behind him. "Tony, it's probably just an animal." she said. It scared him and he pulled the trigger. Elise screamed out in pain as the bullet hit her in the shoulder. The man and woman ran over and saw the blonde. She shakily held the gun up. Was her backstory the truth? Or just a cover story? Did she really live alone for years? I do not own any characters other than Elise, her friend, and possible 'cases' everything else belongs to NCIS. The story line is also mine.All Rights Reserved