Some things seem to be possible to some Some things seem to be impossible to others Some things seem to be believeable to some Some things seem to be unbelieveable to others Summer Dallas is one of those people who believe that the things in her life are just completely and utterly UNBELIEVEABLE! Damian Martinez is one of those people who will do aything to make another person's life UNBELIEVEABLE! She hates him He doesn't care She is not what you would call 'good' He is what you would call 'good enough to be a gangleader' She wants him dead He wants to make her life an unbelievable liveing hell Do you want to find out more about what happens Or will you just sit there and not do anything about you curiosity But if you be so nice as to just give it a chance then I would be greatful and very happy but please don't hate because I don't need some one to tell me what is kinda already sketched into my brain, so please be nice WARNING:DO NOT READ IF YOU DO NOT LIKE SEX SCENESAll Rights Reserved